Publicaciones indexadas en Pubmed publicadas de enero a junio de 2019


Palabras clave“balneotherapy” “spa therapy” “climatotherapy” “thalassotherapy” “hidrotherapy” “aquatictherapy” “Peloidtherapy”“Mudtherapy” “Drinking mineral wáter” “drinking cure”.
  • Alberton CL, Bgeginski R, Pinto SS, Nunes GN, Andrade LS, Brasil B, Domingues MR. Water-based exercises in pregnancy: Apparent weight in immersion and ground reaction force at third trimester. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2019 May11;67:148-152.
  • Antonelli M, Donelli D. Hot sand baths (psammotherapy): A systematic review. Complement Ther Med. 2019 Feb;42:1-6..
  • An J, Lee I, Yi Y. The Thermal Effects of Water Immersion on Health Outcomes: An Integrative Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Apr 10;16(7). Review.
  • Aragane Y, Higashino H. The "Enseki" sandbath: A novel, safe and effective far-infrared bathing procedure for health. PhotodermatolPhotoimmunol Photomed.2019 Jan;35(1):31-39.
  • Beasley J, Ward L, Knipper-Fisher K, Hughes K, Lunsford D, Leiras C. Conservative therapeutic interventions for osteoarthritic finger joints: A systematic review. J Hand Ther. 2019 Apr - Jun;32(2):153-164.e2.
  • Brandwein M, Fuks G, Israel A, Sabbah F, Hodak E, Szitenberg A, Harari M, Steinberg D, Bentwich Z, Shental N, Meshner S. Skin Microbiome Compositional Changes in Atopic Dermatitis Patients Accompany Dead Sea Climatotherapy. PhotochemPhotobiol. 2019 May 10.
  • Costantino M, Conti V, Corbi G, Marongiu F, Marongiu MB, Filippelli. FilippelliA Sulphurous mud-bath therapy for treatment of chronic low back pain caused by lumbar spine osteoarthritis. Intern Emerg Med. 2019 Jan;14(1):187-190.
  • Corvillo I, Armijo F, Álvarez-Badillo A, Armijo O, Varela E, Maraver F. Efficacy of aquatic therapy for neck pain: a systematic review. Int J Biometeorol. 2019 Jun 17.
  • Díaz Lagos M, Sajo-Bohus L, Sandoval Garzón MA, Vergara Gómez I, Martínez-Ovalle SA. Radon concentration in hydrogeothermal deposit and spas of Boyacá, Colombia. ApplRadiatIsot. 2019 Mar;145:131-136.
  • Dramsdahl E, Gundersen Storla D, Harari M. Multidisciplinary Biopsychosocial Program for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain at the Dead Sea. Isr Med Assoc J. 2019Apr;21(4):255-259.
  • Emmanuel T, Lybaek D, Johansen C, Iversen L. Non-random Plaque-site Recurrence of Psoriasis in Patients Treated with Dead Sea Climatotherapy. Acta DermVenereol. 2019 May 29.
  • Gálvez I, Torres-Piles S, Ortega E. Effect of mud-bath therapy on theinnate/inflammatory responses in elderly patients with osteoarthritis: adiscussion of recent results and a pilot study on the role of the innate functionof monocytes. Int J Biometeorol. 2019 Jun 19.
  • Güeita-Rodríguez J, García-Muro F, Rodríguez-Fernández ÁL, Cano-Díez B, Chávez-Santacruz D, Palacios-Ceña D. Preliminary Aquatic Physical Therapy Core Sets for Children and Youth With Neurological Disorders: A Consensus Process. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2019 Jul;31(3):272-278.
  • Hanzel A, Berényi K, Horváth K, Szendi K, Németh B, Varga C. Evidence for the therapeutic effect of the organic content in Szigetvár thermal water on osteoarthritis: a double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial. Int JBiometeorol. 2019 Apr;63(4):449-458.
  • Huber D, Grafetstätter C, Proßegger J, Pichler C, Wöll E, Fischer M, DürlM,Geiersperger K, Höcketstaller M, Frischhut S, Ritter M, Hartl A. Green exercise and mg-ca-SO(4) thermal balneotherapy for the treatment of non-specific chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled clinical trial. BMC MusculoskeletDisord. 2019 May 17;20(1):221.
  • Kamioka H, Mori Y, Nagata K, Iwanaga S, Uzura M, Yamaguchi S. Relationship of daily hot water bathing at home and hot water spa bathing with underlying diseases in middle-aged and elderly ambulatory patients: A Japanese multicenter cross-sectional study. Complement Ther Med. 2019 Apr;43:232-239.
  • Kavadar G, Eroğlu Demir S, Aytekin E, Akbal Y. Use of traditional and complementary medicine for musculoskeletal diseases. Turk J Med Sci. 2019 May8;49(3).
  • Khalilzadeh S, Shirbeigi L, Naghizadeh A, Mehriardestani M, Shamohammadi S,Tabarrai M. Use of mineral waters in the treatment of psoriasis: Perspectives of Persian and conventional medicine. Dermatol Ther. 2019 May 17:e12969.
  • Kosińska B, Grabowski ML. Sulfurous Balneotherapy in Poland: A Vignette onHistory and Contemporary Use. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2019 Jun 22.
  • Marsakova A, Kudish A, Gkalpakiotis S, Jahn I, Arenberger P, Harari M. Dea Sea climatotherapy versus topical steroid treatment for atopic dermatitis children: long-term follow-up study. J Dermatolog Treat. 2019 Apr 17:1-5.
  • Masiero S, Maghini I, Mantovani ME, Bakdounes L, Koutsikos K, Del Felice A, Sale P. Is the aquatic thermal environment a suitable place for providing rehabilitative treatment for person with Parkinson's disease? A retrospective study. Int J Biometeorol. 2019 Jan;63(1):13-18.
  • Neelapala YVR, Attal R, Tandale S. Aquatic exercise for persons with haemophilia: A review of literature. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2019Feb;34:195-200.
  • Pérez-Fernández MR, Calvo-Ayuso N, Martínez-Reglero C, Salgado-Barreira Á,Muiño López-Álvarez JL. Efficacy of baths with mineral-medicinal water in patients with fibromyalgia: a randomized clinical trial. Int J Biometeorol. 2019 Jun 3.
  • Pedron R, Esposito A, Bianconi I, Pasolli E, Tett A, Asnicar F, Cristofolini M, Segata N, Jousson O. Genomic and metagenomic insights into the microbial community of a thermal spring. Microbiome. 2019 Jan 23;7(1):8.
  • Özkuk K, Uysal B. Is the Duration of Spa Cure Treatment Important in Knee Osteoarthritis? A Randomized Controlled Study. Complement Med Res. 2019 Mar 27:1-7.
  • Peultier-Celli L, Lion A, Chary-Valckenaere I, Loeuille D, Zhang Z, Rat AC, Gueguen R, Paysant J, Perrin PP. Comparison of high-frequency intensive balneotherapy with low-frequency balneotherapy combined with land-based exercise on postural control in symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: a randomized clinicaltrial. Int J Biometeorol. 2019 May 7.
  • Santos EJF, Duarte C, Marques A, Cardoso D, Apóstolo J, da Silva JAP, Barbieri-Figueiredo M. Effectiveness of non-pharmacological and non-surgical interventions for rheumatoid arthritis: an umbrella review. JBI Database SystemRev Implement Rep. 2019 Jun 18.
  • Vardè M, Servidio A, Vespasiano G, Pasti L, Cavazzini A, Di Traglia M, Rosselli A, Cofone F, Apollaro C, Cairns WRL, Scalabrin E, De Rosa R, Procopio A. Ultra-trace determination of total mercury in Italian bottled waters. Chemosphere. 2019 Mar;219:896-91.
  • Varga C. To treat or not to treat? Misbeliefs in spa water disinfection. Int JBiometeorol. 2019 May 24.
  • Villalba L, Colmenero-Sujo L, Rubio-Arias H, Pinales-Munguia A, Mireles-García, F, Dávila-Rangel I, Pinedo-Vega JL, Ochoa-Rivero J. Assessing the Committed. Effective Dose from 226Ra in Thermal Spring Water from San Diego De Alcala,Chihuahua, Mexico. Health Phys. 2019 Apr 23.
  • Yücesoy H, Geçmen İ, Adıgüzel T, Karagülle M, Karagülle MZ. Efficacy of balneological outpatient treatment (hydrotherapy and peloidotherapy) for the management of chronic low back pain: a retrospective study. Int J Biometeorol.2019 Mar;63(3):351-357.